
Volunteer Spotlight: Tyler Steffy
As a newer volunteer at Centre Square Fire Company, Tyler Steffy appreciates how diverse the volunteers are in their backgrounds, careers and areas of expertise.
“Some members have been there a very long time, and it’s interesting learning about the history of the department. Additionally, it’s inspiring to see the youthful exuberance of the junior firefighters who bring such a great energy to our trainings,” said Tyler, who joined Centre Square in August 2022. “Collectively it’s a very supportive and caring environment, which I consider a privilege to be a part of.”
In his time at the fire department, Tyler has learned how to properly use a fire hydrant, PPE, air packs, administer CPR as well as many other tools and fire equipment, and how to properly communicate with different sectors of emergency services.
Tyler is the Director of Student Life at Montgomery County Community College and due to the nature of this job, risk management has always played a role in his life.
“With having more training in emergency services, it allows me to have more situational awareness that can help me make events safer,” he said.
For anyone new to Centre Square, Tyler encourages them to ask questions.
“Everyone is so willing to help you learn,” he said. “If you don’t ask questions, it’s hard to learn all of the things that keep you and others safe on the job. Also, go to the station, go on calls, and engage with other firefighters; this is the best way to learn.”
Tyler first visited CSFC for the fire expo in 2019. After purchasing a home in the area in 2021, he was ready to commit to serving his community in a meaningful way.
“I have a family history in volunteer fire departments with both my uncles and grandfather serving in their communities throughout their entire adult lives,” said Tyler. “I want to make a positive difference in our community and believe that firefighting is one way that I can do that.”
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