Volunteer Spotlight: Vinny Ciuccoli

Vincent “Vinny” Ciuccoli recommends new volunteers come to the firehouse as much as they can, assuring the CSFC team will provide all the training they require.

“Whether it’s for a call or drill, it’s best to show up to the station, even if you don’t know everything that’s going on,” he said. “The Centre Square team will be there to make sure you get the training you need.”

Although Vinny might be new to Centre Square, he isn’t completely new to volunteering. From as young as a teenager, Vinny did simple tasks around the firehouse with his dad in Connecticut. He later went on to serve in the Marines as a helicopter pilot. In 2022, after returning to the U.S. from Japan, Vinny wanted to embark on a new adventure.

“I thought volunteer firefighting would be a great way to get to know the community,” Vinny said. This led him to talk to Centre Square at a community event and start the application process.

Vinny has experienced many adventures as a pilot, but he still wanted to gain more experience and discover new things.

“I like to learn,” he said. “I need a good team of people around me. I need that feeling of civic duty in my life.”

Vinny loves the aspect of teamwork, expressing that it gives him the opportunity to keep growing. His most memorable training session was when he was paired with another volunteer in the dark to rescue a fellow firefighter.

“I liked that they paired me up with someone more experienced. It was physically demanding for the both of us while also making us think outside the box,” Vinny said.

Volunteering at CSFC opens the door to many possibilities and Vinny expresses gratitude for this opportunity.

“Volunteering is an amazing experience,” he said. “It is everything I expected and more. They’re super welcoming and teach me something new every time I show up. It’s definitely a family within the fire company and they’ve really taken me in.”

To learn more about becoming a volunteer firefighter, visit www.CentreSquareFire.org.