Q&A: Firefighter Ted Moore

1. When did you start volunteering at Centre Square Fire Company?
I started volunteering in February of 2019.

2. How did you hear about Centre Square and why did you decide to join?
I had always wanted to give back to my community and decided to attend the 2018 fire exposition where I met Sam Clemmer. He spoke highly of his experience at the fire house, which led me to apply. The rest is history.

3. What role do you volunteer in? 
I am a firefighter as well as a relief trustee for Centre Square Fire Company.

4. What do you enjoy the most about volunteering?
I enjoy driving the fire trucks, applying my training on various calls, problem solving, the camaraderie among my peers, and flowing water.

5. What skills have you learned or what have you learned about yourself as a volunteer?
I have learned that I am a lifelong learner being in the fire service. Training and classes are ongoing, which I have come to enjoy.

6. What advice would you give to a new firefighter?
– There is a job for everyone on the fire grounds and in the fire service. The fire service encompasses a diverse pool of people that have differing backgrounds.
– Try to find your role within the fire service and learn about your peers’ strengths and weakness. You’re only as good as the team you have around you. Play to the strengths.
– Always say yes to more training or leadership opportunities.

7. Has volunteering influenced your career in any way?
Yes, the fire service has helped me with working under pressure at work. Cool, calm, and collected.

8. What would you say to encourage someone to volunteer?
Stop by any one of the fire houses in your area on a drill night. New faces are always welcomed. Ask questions and decide for yourself if the fire service is for you. You could gain an education in the fire service, make lifelong friends, and take on various leadership roles.